Joplin - Panama

Joplin - Panama


Roast: City roast.

Country/origin: Panama - Finca Santa Teresa

Processed: Washed

Tasting Notes: Caramel, hints of citrus, roasted nuts.

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Joplin is a our Panamanian bean and has become a staple within our roastery. This is the bean we recommend for people that just want an all round amazing cup of coffee. Roasted to its own perfection to bring out the unique flavors inherent in the Panamanian bean. It’s full of easily relatable and familiar flavors and will win a place in the front of your coffee journal (everyone keeps one of those right? I seriously can’t be the only one).

Joplin is our work horse. It never disappoints and it’s always there to wrap your taste buds in it’s soft, caffeinated warmth. While you may enjoy other coffees when Joplin is not available, you may find yourself staring off into the distance feeling empty and longing to return to Joplin.

Fun Fact: Joplin is named after one of the most iconic, and always rewarding, local trails in Orange County.